Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mortar | Pestle

| Mortar & Pestle |

A tool used to crush ,grind,and mix substances. The pestle is a heavy bat-shaped stick whose end is used is used for pounding and grinding, and the mortar is a bowl,typically made of hard wood, marble,clay,or stone. The substance is ground between the pestle and mortar.

We were asked to draw 3 ideas relating to mortar and pestle.
I have chosen the "creative" part.
For this picture, i has transformed the mortar and pestle into a locking mechanisms
For the 2nd picture, i have mixed the 2 item together to form a
helmet like shape hat, that is used to boost signal strength for
mobile communications.

Last but not least, i have transformed the mortar and pestle into a ringing bell~

Methods of Creative Thinking

A mind map is used to represent words, ideas, taks or any other information that is
linked to one another, arranged around a central key word or idea.
Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, andclassifyideas, and as an aid in study,

By presenting ideas in a radial, graphical, non-linear manner, mind maps encourage abrainstorming approach to planning and organizational tasks. Though the branches of a mindmap represent hierarchical tree structures, their radial arrangement disrupts the prioritizing of concepts typically associated with hierarchies presented with more linear visual cues. This orientation towards brainstorming encourages users to enumerate and connect concepts without a tendency to begin within a particular conceptual framework.

The mind map can be contrasted with the similar idea of concept mapping. The former is based on radial hierarchies and tree structuresdenoting relationships with a central governing concept, whereas concept maps are based on connections between concepts in more diverse patterns.

An industry standard that implements formal rules for finalizing at least a subset of such diagrams is the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Mind map About Me

Lesson 2.

Week 3 , we learn about Novelty , Creativity , Innovation and Invention. The history of it and it's significance to the society.
|Innovation |
Innovation is more or less a new way of doing something into a better something. or "new stuff that is made usefull"

| Creativity |
Creativity is a mental process involving the discovery of new ideas an concepts, Fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight a new associations of the existing ideas or concepts.

Novelty is something new or unusual. Designed with a different mindset.

Invention is a new compostion ,process or device. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea could be independently conceived in which case it may be a radical breakthrough.

Personal reflection | Sleepy , tired and restless.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thinker or Intelligent ?

Thinker or Intelligent? that was the main topic of the day. At first both didn't seem to have a huge difference. But once u slowly digest and understands the entire lecturer session , then there is a fine line situated in between.

What makes us so differently? Aren't we all human beings? how can 2 totally different types of mindset being generated? well the answer lies withing our brain structure.

As you can see the image above clearly states tat the left brain is on to analytical thoughts , logic etc. Where as the right brain is more on the Creative department. Most people will develop one side greater then the other one. Only a small glimpse is able to master both.


| Intelligence |

Intelligence people are smart, really really smart. They prefer to store knowledge and use it to solve any pending issues they face. They will seek knowledge in advance for that " just in case" moments. Hence with mostly Logics and facts filled in their head. Intelligence people is far less Creative in terms of designing. Why? This is because most of the ideas they can think of is based on proven facts that has been carried out in the past and they will reuse it and reapply it.Thats not called creating, its called refurbishing.



| Creative |

Creative thinking when people thinks out of the box. Little fact and logic is known to them, hence allowing their brain to think wildly. designing something which defy the existing product / idea. It just makes you go " wow ". Thinker's idea will give that WOW factor more, where as Intelligence people will give that " OH " factor. Because the response Oh is mostly given when someone explains something to another someone, and the person who understands will go " oh "
An Example of some Thinker is Bill Gate. He thought of something which does not exist during that era, and people will thought of him as a insane person, those people are "intelligence" people.


Ken Robinson

A video of him giving a speech was shown in class. But i really had problems trying to
understands what his trying to say as his slang was too fast for us Asians to catch up.
He is a perfect example of having the best of both worlds. Ken Robinson is once a professor, he
then grew sense of creativity and he then apply's them both together. So in that case, Ken Robinson
is and Intelligence Thinker